Bairro da liberdade is a suburban neighborhood in Lisbon formed in the middle of the XIX century. The site has a very strong community, people live together in closed yards and help each other consequently.

Buildings are built without any urban plannings, by the population, with low resources and using as much space as possible. Although living in poor conditions, people always arrange a way to make their own houses.


  1. Intervention phases are displayed with good-quality architectural drawings. A total different separation of rooms is provided by newly proposed walls. It is not only the system implemented to the project; but also intervention for the interiors. It is a very interesting design proposal with changes in the space. Analysis of the prototype was also studied regarding the application phase of the project. Well-studied ideas!

  2. The existing dwelling is transformed into a more clear space organization according to contemporary residential needs with realistic strategies.  An effort was made to approach the proposal's open space in section  with potential for further exploration.

    Clear presentation of intervention in plan showing the steps of demolition and addition.

  3. This proposal represents the most effective example to improve existing housing in terms of living area extension. The biggest problem in this case is to find a suitable or the most appropriate position for vertical communication link between levels. They found it . The group made a very good analysis of the site and also the choosen house. The presentation promoted their interesting design.

  4. Design can be compared with the proposal of the group Liberdade B "Roofbox". In comparison with them, this work solved better the old disposition of dwelling.

  5. Adriana Diaconu6 August 2014 at 07:43

    Very realistic architectural approach solving a given problem inside a given limited space
